Advanced odML features

Working with odML Validations

odML Validations are a set of pre-defined checks that are run against an odML document automatically when it is saved or loaded. A document cannot be saved, if a Validation fails a check that is classified as an Error. Most validation checks are Warnings that are supposed to raise the overall data quality of the odml Document.

When an odML document is saved or loaded, tha automatic validation will print a short report of encountered Validation Warnings and it is up to the user whether they want to resolve the Warnings. The odML document provides the validate method to gain easy access to the default validations. A Validation in turn provides not only a specific description of all encountered warnings or errors within an odML document, but it also provides direct access to each and every odML entity i.e. an odml.Section or an odml.Property where an issue has been found. This enables the user to quickly access and fix an encountered issue.

A minimal example shows how a workflow using default validations might look like:

>>> # Create a minimal document with Section issues: name and type are not assigned
>>> doc = odml.Document()
>>> sec = odml.Section(parent=doc)
>>>, "validation_example.odml.xml")

This minimal example document will be saved, but will also print the following Validation report:

>>> UserWarning: The saved Document contains unresolved issues. Run the Documents 'validate' method to access them.
>>> Validation found 0 errors and 2 warnings in 1 Sections and 0 Properties.

To fix the encountered warnings, users can access the validation via the documents’ validate method:

>>> validation = doc.validate()
>>> for issue in validation.errors:
>>>     print(issue)

This will show that the validation has encountered two Warnings and also displays the offending odml entity.

>>> ValidationWarning: Section[73f29acd-16ae-47af-afc7-371d57898e28] 'Section type not specified'
>>> ValidationWarning: Section[73f29acd-16ae-47af-afc7-371d57898e28] 'Name not assigned'

To fix the “Name not assigned” warning the Section can be accessed via the validation entry and used to directly assign a human readable name to the Section in the original document. Re-running the validation will show, that the warning has been removed.

>>> validation.errors[1] = "validation_example_section"
>>> # Check that the section name has been changed in the document
>>> print(doc.sections)
>>> # Re-running validation
>>> validation = doc.validate()
>>> for issue in validation.errors:
>>>     print(issue)

Similarly the second validation warning can be resolved before saving the document again.

Please note that the automatic validation is run whenever a document is saved or loaded using the and odml.load functions as well as the ODMLWriter or the ODMLReader class. The validation is not run when using any of the lower level xmlparser, dict_parser or rdf_converter classes.

List of available default validations

The following contains a list of the default odml validations, their message and the suggested course of action to resolve the issue.

Validation: object_required_attributes
Message: “Missing required attribute ‘xyz’”
Applies to: Document, Section, Property
Course of action: Add an appropriate value to attribute ‘xyz’ for the reported odml entity.
Validation: section_type_must_be_defined
Message: “Section type not specified”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: Fill in the type attribute of the reported Section.
Validation: section_unique_ids
Message: “Duplicate id in Section ‘secA’ and ‘secB’”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: IDs have to be unique and a duplicate id was found. Assign a new id for the reported Section.
Validation: property_unique_ids
Message: “Duplicate id in Property ‘propA’ and ‘propB’”
Applies to: Property
Course of action: IDs have to be unique and a duplicate id was found. Assign a new id for the reported Property
Validation: section_unique_name_type
Message: “name/type combination must be unique”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: The combination of and Section.type has to be unique on the same level. Change either name or type of the reported Section.
Validation: object_unique_name
Message: “Object names must be unique”
Applies to: Document, Section, Property
Course of action: Property name has to be unique on the same level. Change the name of the reported Property.
Validation: object_name_readable
Message: “Name not assigned”
Applies to: Section, Property
Course of action: When Section or Property names are left empty on creation or set to None, they are automatically assigned the entities uuid. Assign a human readable name to the reported entity.
Validation: property_terminology_check
Message: “Property ‘prop’ not found in terminology”
Applies to: Property
Course of action: The reported entity is linked to a repository but the repository is not available. Check if the linked content has moved.
Validation: property_dependency_check
Message: “Property refers to a non-existent dependency object” or “Dependency-value is not equal to value of the property’s dependency”
Applies to: Property
Course of action: The reported entity depends on another Property, but this dependency has not been satisfied. Check the referenced Property and its value to resolve the issue.
Validation: property_values_check
Message: “Tuple of length ‘x’ not consistent with dtype ‘dtype’!” or “Property values not of consistent dtype!”.
Applies to: Property
Course of action: Adjust the values or the dtype of the referenced Propery.
Validation: property_values_string_check
Message: “Dtype of property “prop” currently is “string”, but might fit dtype “dtype”!”
Applies to: Property
Course of action: Check if the datatype of the referenced Property.values has been loaded correctly and change the Property.dtype if required.
Validation: section_properties_cardinality
Message: “cardinality violated x values, y found)”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: A cardinality defined for the number of Properties of a Section does not match. Add or remove Properties until the cardinality has been satisfied or adjust the cardinality.
Validation: section_sections_cardinality
Message: “cardinality violated x values, y found)”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: A cardinality defined for the number of Sections of a Section does not match. Add or remove Sections until the cardinality has been satisfied or adjust the cardinality.
Validation: property_values_cardinality
Message: “cardinality violated x values, y found)”
Applies to: Property
Course of action: A cardinality defined for the number of Values of a Property does not match. Add or remove Values until the cardinality has been satisfied or adjust the cardinality.
Validation: section_repository_present
Message: “A section should have an associated repository” or “Could not load terminology” or “Section type not found in terminology”
Applies to: Section
Course of action: Optional validation. Will report any section that does not specify a repository. Add a repository to the reported Section to resolve.

Custom validations

Users can write their own validation and register them either with the default validation or add it to their own validation class instance.

A custom validation handler needs to yield a ValidationError. See the validation.ValidationError class for details.

Custom validation handlers can be registered to be applied on “odML” (the odml Document), “section” or “property”.

>>> import odml
>>> import odml.validation as oval
>>> # Create an example document
>>> doc = odml.Document()
>>> sec_valid = odml.Section(name="Recording-20200505", parent=doc)
>>> sec_invalid = odml.Section(name="Movie-20200505", parent=doc)
>>> subsec = odml.Section(name="Sub-Movie-20200505", parent=sec_valid)
>>> # Define a validation handler that yields a ValidationError if a section name does not start with 'Recording-'
>>> def custom_validation_handler(obj):
>>>     validation_id = oval.IssueID.custom_validation
>>>     msg = "Section name does not start with 'Recording-'"
>>>     if not"Recording-"):
>>>         yield oval.ValidationError(obj, msg, oval.LABEL_ERROR, validation_id)
>>> # Create a custom, empty validation with an odML document 'doc'
>>> custom_validation = oval.Validation(doc, reset=True)
>>> # Register a custom validation handler that should be applied on all Sections of a Document
>>> custom_validation.register_custom_handler("section", custom_validation_handler)
>>> # Run the custom validation and return a report
>>> # Display the errors reported by the validation
>>> print(custom_validation.errors)

Defining and working with feature cardinality

The odML format allows users to define a cardinality for the number of subsections and properties of Sections and the number of values a Property might have.

A cardinality is checked when it is set, when its target is set and when a document is saved or loaded. If a specific cardinality is violated, a corresponding warning will be printed.

Setting a cardinality

A cardinality can be set for sections or properties of sections or for values of properties. By default every cardinality is None, but it can be set to a defined minimal and/or a maximal number of an element.

A cardinality is set via its convenience method:

>>> # Set the cardinality of the properties of a Section 'sec' to
>>> # a maximum of 5 elements.
>>> sec = odml.Section(name="cardinality", type="test")
>>> sec.set_properties_cardinality(max_val=5)
>>> # Set the cardinality of the subsections of Section 'sec' to
>>> # a minimum of one and a maximum of 2 elements.
>>> sec.set_sections_cardinality(min_val=1, max_val=2)
>>> # Set the cardinality of the values of a Property 'prop' to
>>> # a minimum of 1 element.
>>> prop = odml.Property(name="cardinality")
>>> prop.set_values_cardinality(min_val=1)
>>> # Re-set the cardinality of the values of a Property 'prop' to not set.
>>> prop.set_values_cardinality()
>>> # or
>>> prop.val_cardinality = None

Please note that a set cardinality is not enforced. Users can set less or more entities than are specified allowed via a cardinality. Instead whenever a cardinality is not met, a warning message is displayed and any unment cardinality will show up as a Validation warning message whenever a document is saved or loaded.

View odML documents in a web browser

By default all odML files are saved in the XML format without the capability to view the plain files in a browser. By default you can use the command line tool odmlview to view saved odML files locally. Since this requires the start of a local server, there is another option to view odML XML files in a web browser.

You can use an additional feature of the to save an odML document with an embedded default stylesheet for local viewing:

>>> import odml
>>> from import XMLWriter
>>> doc = odml.Document() # minimal example document
>>> filename = "viewable_document.xml"
>>> XMLWriter(doc).write_file(filename, local_style=True)

Now you can open the resulting file ‘viewable_document.xml’ in any current web-browser and it will render the content of the odML file.

If you want to use a custom style sheet to render an odML document instead of the default one, you can provide it as a string to the XML writer. Please note, that it cannot be a full XSL stylesheet, the outermost tag of the XSL code has to be <xsl:template match="odML"> [your custom style here] </xsl:template>:

>>> import odml
>>> from import XMLWriter
>>> doc = odml.Document() # minimal example document
>>> filename = "viewable_document.xml"
>>> own_template = """<xsl:template match="odML"> [your custom style here] </xsl:template>"""
>>> XMLWriter(doc).write_file(filename, custom_template=own_template)

Please note that if the file is saved using the ‘.odml’ extension and you are using Chrome, you will need to map the ‘.odml’ extension to the browsers Mime-type database as ‘application/xml’.

Also note that any style that is saved with an odML document will be lost, when this document is loaded again and changes to the content are added. In this case the required style needs to be specified again when saving the changed file as described above.